Evaluation Process and Selection Committee
- The Evaluation Committee shall have 5 members. The chairman of the evaluation committee is a representative of CEITEC MU, other members are representatives of three other universities, at least one of them from Slovakia, and a representative of the company Měřící technika Morava. The members of the committee are obliged to treat all the applicants’ data confidentially in accordance with the GDPR.
- In determining the ranking, the committee will take into account in particular the following evaluation criteria: the quality of the candidate with regard to the previous study and scientific results, the agreement of the dissertation topic with the focus of the scholarship, the progress made so far on the dissertation project, and the appropriateness of the planned use of the scholarship with regard to the specific conditions of the candidate and the project.
- The members of the evaluation committee will evaluate the applications of each candidate by assigning points on a scale of 0-10 (more points means a better score).
- In case of a conflict of interest (former or current supervisor, co-author, etc.), a member of the evaluation committee will not evaluate the applicant. Instead of his/her evaluation, the applicant will receive the average of the scores awarded by the other members of the committee.
- The committee will award the scholarship to the applicant based on the sum of the points received from all committee members. In the event of a tie between the first two applicants, each member of the committee will give a preferential vote to one of these applicants and the scholarship will be awarded to the applicant with the higher number of preferential votes.
- The results of the selection procedure will be announced on the website https://vsscholarship.ceitec.cz/results and to the successful candidate by email no later than 31 March 2025.
- The award ceremony will take place at the annual Central European NMR Meeting (NMR Valtice, https://nmrvaltice.ncbr.muni.cz/). The winner will be invited to give a 20-minute lecture as a part of the conference program.
Selection panel members
- Doc. RNDr. Radovan Fiala, CSc., CEITEC Masaryk University, Brno, CZ - Chair
- RNDr. Zdeněk Tošner, PhD., Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, CZ
- Prof. Ing. Richard Hrabal, CSc., UCT Prague, CZ
- Mgr. Branislav Horváth, PhD., FCHPT STU, SK
- Mgr. Matúš Durec, PhD., Měřicí technika Morava s.r.o., Zastávka u Brna, CZ